Jamie and Jason

These are some of the crazy adventures we have while living in the grand city of Toronto - remember, you can click on any picture to make it bigger.

Location: Toronto, Canada

Jamie and Jason have been married 4 years, together 6, and surprisingly, are not sick of each other yet.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Just a week or two ago, the sun was shining and we had a rare day off together. When we visited the zoo in January, Jason was instantly eager to visit again, and so finally, 6 months later, we went. The zoo is much different in summer than in winter. There were different animals and exhibits to see, but I wouldn't say that one was better than the other. Both were pretty amazing.

Przewalski's horse - now completely extinct except in zoos.

one-humped camel

Bennett's wallaby

black-faced kangaroo

When we were in the Australian pavillion, there were no fences. We just walked among the kangaroos and such. They are too timid to approach humans, so they watched us as we watched them. I was still a little nervous.


Blogger blackcrag said...

I think the one-humped camel is called a dromedary. Just get all taxidermical on you. Yes, I know, I'm annoying. It's actually my most endearing trait. It grows on you, kind of like fungus.

11:42 PM  
Blogger J said...

No, the zoo plaque thingy listed it as a one-humped camel; I'm anal, and I looked it up.

1:29 PM  

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