Downtown on Saturday, we checked out the busker festival. But you can only watch someone breathe fire for so long before it's time to be on your merry way.

As luck would have it, the wind picked up right in front of the Toronto Stock Exchange, and every inch of my very long skirt lifted right up over my head, flashing dozens if not hundreds of hurried (and shocked) pedestrians.

The hockey hall of fame...somehow we passed this up.

The top of the CN tower was hardly visible with clouds, but luckily it never rained (while we waited to cross the street I thought it was raining lightly, but it turned out only to be window washer about 50 stories up).

Jason doesn't need to refresh himself in the fountain because he got free gum in front of Union Station - a real "splash" according to the poor beleaguered sample lady.

Bay & Wellington

Commerce Court

A good and "economical" outing for poor souls like us - as Jason put it "It only cost $13, and that's including the hot dog!"

As luck would have it, the wind picked up right in front of the Toronto Stock Exchange, and every inch of my very long skirt lifted right up over my head, flashing dozens if not hundreds of hurried (and shocked) pedestrians.

The hockey hall of fame...somehow we passed this up.

The top of the CN tower was hardly visible with clouds, but luckily it never rained (while we waited to cross the street I thought it was raining lightly, but it turned out only to be window washer about 50 stories up).

Jason doesn't need to refresh himself in the fountain because he got free gum in front of Union Station - a real "splash" according to the poor beleaguered sample lady.

Bay & Wellington

Commerce Court

A good and "economical" outing for poor souls like us - as Jason put it "It only cost $13, and that's including the hot dog!"